Friday, May 29, 2009

16 Years Ago

16 Years ago, our lives changed completely! We became grandparents for the first time. I remember the phone call my daughter made when our precious grandson was born. "He is so sweet, mom." "He is so soft." "He is perfect!"

I told her I was on my way, and made it to San Diego right after they got home from the hospital.

I laid my eyes on him and fell completely in love! Everything my daughter said is so true. He was so soft, and sweet, and I'm sure he smiled at Grandma!

He used to be a chubby baby, but now, as his mom says, he is all knees and elbows! He is the top left picture in my header.

We praise the Lord for Zachary. He has been a blessing to us, and to his extended family.



Hannah said...

Congrats! I am sure being a grandma is very rewarding. I hope my kids have lots of grandbabies for me! :-)

Pasadena Closet Conservative said...

You are blessed.

joanne said...

Happy Birthday Zachary!! I'm sure your grandma is wondering how i the world you got to be 16 already. Congrats Grandma...I am so looking forward to the day...

Lana said...

Happy Birthday, Zach. I love you too.

Aunt Lana

Linda said...

Hannah, enjoy your young ones now, and when they are old enough, enjoy your grandbabies! They are fun, and then when they are cranky, hungry, or dirty, you can give them back to mom!

Yes, PCC, I am a blessed woman. The Lord has been good to me.

Hey, JJ, I am wondering where the years have gone. They have been fun.

Thanks, Aunt Lana...we love you too.

DaBlade said...

There is nothing in the world quite like a grandmother's love!

Linda said...

Thanks DB,
There is nothing like a grandchild's love either. They don't care if you are fat or thin, just that you are 'Grandma'.

Penny said...

The last comment is so true! I remember wondering why my Mimi would be so hard on herself about her weight-- she wasn't a big woman at all, just a little overweight. Anyway, no pillow has ever compared to her lap! I worshipped her and thought she was one of the most beautiful women in the world! Actually, I've told my husband that you remind me of her SO much-- 20 years ago. (She was only 41 when I was born, so she was always young to me.) She still looked beautiful to me even at 83 when she died. =)

Linda said...

Hi, Penny,
Thanks for visiting. I'm glad I bring back good memories of your grandma.

My grandma was so special to me too. She was 59 when we (my twin and me) were born, so I guess she was always an old lady, but she was wonderful. We loved going to her home in western KS, and thought it was the biggest, best house ever. After we were grown, we realized just how small it was, but we always had so much fun there.

She died when she was 98 1/2.

Deanna Bland Hiott PhD, MSN, RN said...

Awesome pictures of your grands. Congratulations!