Tuesday, February 26, 2013

The Adams Family

Jim, Lana, Sherry, Linda and Dave

Here is a picture of all the siblings. We were so fortunate to grow up in a middle class family in the shadow of the Rocky Mountains.

Our parents worked hard to support us, provide for us, and form us into the individuals we are today.  We learned to respect our parents and people of authority: our elders, teachers, policemen, doctors, etc.

Our home wasn't very big. It had only one bathroom, 2 small bedrooms, small living room, small kitchen and dining room.  When we were going into junior high, dad had the garage made into a 'dormitory' for the girls, and a dining room for mom. After we were all gone, it became the family room.

We all graduated from High School, and we went on to higher learning.  Both of the brothers were in the service, and the girls went on to higher education.  

We all got married, and had wonderful children.  We are all tax paying, responsible adults, who try to make the right decisions.  Our children are all grown, and most of them have had wonderful families of their own.  They are all working, too.

We were raised in a home that when it became dark outside, we came home.  We ate what mom fixed, without complaining (most of the time!)  We did our chores, mowed the grass, watered, helped hang the clothes on line, folded the laundry, and even learned how to iron. We were disciplined,when needed. Dad even used his slipper on us, and I don't think it hurt any of our 'self-esteem'!

We learned how a family is supposed to work together.

We did our homework, and played. Dad would play jacks with the girls, and throw the ball for the boys.  Our yard was the place all the neighbor kids could play.  Dad said the grass would grow after we all left.  Mom tried to teach the girls how to sew and crochet.  (I don't think any of us did too much sewing, but I did learn how to crochet...after I had my own home,)

We knew our neighbors, and respected them.  

We loved going to our grandparents homes.  We learned history from them. Our aunts and uncles were always fun to be with. Our cousins were always a lot of fun, too.

We don't live physically close, except for Lana and me. She retired and bought the house across the street from me, but we know we can call and talk just like always.  We feel the thread of family, and are so thankful for siblings.  

We know we are on the down-side of the 'bubble' so we try to live our lives like our dad and mom would have wanted us live.

I don't think most of us have any idea why we are where we are, or why we had the families we had, but we do know that our God has a reason for each of us.  We may never know the great things that will be done because we were granted the wonderful privilege of living at this time.

We love our country, our flag, and the Constitution.  We might not always agree with the way the country is going, but we will stand for her and her values.

We love FAMILY!
We are FAMILY!


  1. I really like being part of this bunch too,have had a lot of fun and food , really loved Linda's Mom's fruit salad and spending time with her family.

  2. What a nice photo and write up about your family. Yes, we also love family.isityyh

  3. This is very nice. I'm glad that you are such a great author and that I am part of the Adams' family.


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