Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Thanksgiving and Christmas

L-R, back row
Shailyn, Lily, Noah, Grandma, Tansy, Tyler, Mollie
front row
Josiah, Dahlia, Katie, Sicily, Kylan, Zachary (or Xaq, as he would like us to spell it now!)

This past weekend, we had the whole gang here. We celebrated Thanksgiving on Thursday, and then on Saturday morning, we celebrated our Christmas!

We were so blessed to have all of them show up on Wednesday! Sometimes, our oldest son, second oldest, can't get Wednesday or Friday off, but he did this year! Yea, for all of us!!

The weather was cold, but no snow or moisture. In fact, it got warm enough for the kids to go to the church playground to play for a couple of hours.

Our turkey, dressing, mashed potatoes and gravy, sweet potatoes (baked, but no marshmallows on top), green bean casserole (with homemade cream of...) broccoli salad, fresh cranberry salad, rolls from Montana Mike's, were all wonderful! There are hardly any leftovers!

I think we all ate so much, we didn't even go to the Wal-Mart blowout on Friday!

Our Christmas was fun. All of us got way too much. The best part of our holiday, is just being together with the family.

We did look like a 'geek' family, though. We all had our computers, and the kids had their smart phones. (See my previous post to see how I feel about all the gadgets!)

We praise our Lord for our family. They all are doing well. No sickness. No drama, just a fun time had by all!


  1. I really enjoyed the weekend, too. Thanks from L,L,A,C & me.

  2. I love the new header. Did I ever tell you, you look a LOT like my Mimi? Many years ago of course. That is one of my highest compliments, by the way. :)
    PS Your grands have some of the coolest names ever.

  3. like I said before, lots of blessings in your family with your grands! the celebrations sounded like a lot of fun and the food sounded delicious!!


  4. So glad all your family could be together. But it is hard to believe you didn't get to be a Black Friday shopper and you missed all those "deals". Have a great Christmas.

  5. beautiful family!
    I'm so glad you all had the chance to celebrate together...Blessings to you and yours..;j


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