Sunday, November 7, 2010

Happy Birthday, Billy!

What a man of God. Today is his 92nd birthday. I was privileged to go to one of his crusades in Denver, a l-o-n-g time ago. The stadium was packed. The music was awesome. The message, which I don't remember, must have been God inspired, because when the invitation was given, the people flowed to the front to talk to counselors about their need of a Savior.

Praise the Lord for Billy Graham!


  1. I was lucky enough to attend college in Mpls. MN and saw this great man of God several times. What a wonderful man.

  2. Did not know today was his birthday!
    He is a wonderful messegenger!~

  3. I LOVE Billy Graham and have always wanted to go to a crusade, but have never had the opportunity. :(

  4. I was reading in a magazine that comes from their organization an interview someone did with him about his upcoming 92nd birthday. Something he said stuck with me. He was sorry he hadn't memorized more Scripture. Makes you want to spend more time in the Word, doesn't it?

    What a privilege to have seen him! God truly rose up a wonderful preacher in him!


  5. Oohhh, I would have LOVED to meet him! This was a man of God, if ever there was one. LOVE BILLY!!


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