Saturday, October 2, 2010

Oh Man...

We went out to eat for lunch today, and we were behind a group of people that, how should I say it, were not very pleasant to be behind. Phew.....

I guess I don't understand people who don't shower or bathe on a regular basis. If I'm prejudiced against anything, it is dirty, smelly people.

As far as I know, in this wonderful country we live in, there are places that provide water and soap for the purpose of cleaning up.

Please, people, use soap and water, and then deodorant on a regular basis. This group of people were very large, but still.

Enough of my rant today.


  1. I smelled so many people yesterday that they all started smelling the same, TERRIBLE!!!

  2. Mama always said, "You may not be pretty & you may not wear the nicest clothes, BUT YOU CAN ALWAYS be clean.". Soap isn't that expensive, sheesh.

  3. I would think if they could afford to eat out that they could afford to clean up a bit! Pet peeve of mine too...


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