Saturday, September 11, 2010

Never Forget


  1. I don't know what happened, but I wanted this to post on Saturday, but maybe we need to be remembering that day all week.

  2. The day my view of the world changed. I will never forget.

  3. What are your thoughts about the "Christian" church in Florida who promises to burn a copy of the Qoram Saturday?

  4. Woody, my view of the world changed that day too. I sat and watched in horror as the buildings burned, and the 2nd plane hit, and then all the aftermath. Every American should still be in horror of what happened.

    Charlene, the 'Christian" church in Fl are wrong in what they are planning on doing, IMO. There are better ways to fight the fight. I believe the general in Afghanistan has a reason to be concerned about his troops there. That pastor, and church, need to rethink this event.

    Thanks for stopping by!

  5. I'm glad you posted this a little early. This is something I will never forget and we should all remember it for more than just 1 day.
    Thanks, :)

  6. We can never allow politicians to let this day fade from our memories.

    God Bless America


  7. I'm glad you posted this early...!

    I watched a show last night of the telephone calls people were making from the towers, as they were trapped. One young man in the South Tower was on the phone to his mother as the building collapsed. You could hear the building crashing to the ground and then the phone went dead.

    I hope people never forget.

  8. I posted mine today and will keep it up until Monday. It is fitting.

    With the controversy over the mosque being built on Ground Zero we need to help people remember why so many of us are angry over this atrocity.


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