Monday, August 30, 2010

No Mosque at Ground Zero

If this guy can see this, why can't Americans? Where is our common sense?


  1. I have heard this lunatic before...He is an atheist who thinks that anyone that espouses to any belief is a lunatic. Actually he is a lunatic that argues about everything. He might have some good ideas about the mosque but he would not want to see a Christian church put their either.

  2. I cannot believe this is even an issue... What is wrong with America?

  3. Phil's follow up makes a point, but I do wonder at the logic behind this Mosque being allowed to be built in such a sensitive area.

  4. I, for one, am sick of "political correctness." Building a mosque anywhere near where Radical Islamics slaughtered thousands of innocent Americans is a ridiculous idea! For our citizens and politicians to back it is beyond ridiculous! The victims are being slapped in the face by Americans that are supported this mess! How sad!

  5. There already is a mosque located closer to Ground Zero than the proposed community center would be. How is allowing one not even visible from Ground Zero an assault on America?

    There have been Muslims in America since the earliest days. There were patriots fighting for independence from Britain during the Revolution who called themselves Muslims, and other patriotic Muslims who answered our country's call to service during World War I, World War II, and every other major war our country has been engaged in during the past 225 years. How does it honor the sacrifice and the service of our veterans to deny our fellow Americans a place to worship, or to delegitimatize their identity as Americans, simply because they follow a minority faith in this great country of ours?

    It's true there is a radical element in Islam that hates America and wants to destroy us. B But the group behind the proposal in New York want a community center that welcomes people of all faiths and ethnicities. How does it serve the cause of America if we wrongly conflate those two groups?

    Sorry, I don't see it.


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