Tuesday, August 31, 2010

God's Flyover

Glenn Beck did get a 'flyover'!


  1. Linda, the great thing is it started completely unexpectrdly at the precise moment the rally started and flew directly over the pool...

    Thank God he talked unity, brotherhood, coming together under God in this country, while poor Sharpton, as I watched and wrote down his words, said nothing but how they need to care for "their children", "their dream", etc etc..so very hateful and divisive.

    Everyone on Beck's stage was about nothing but love and coming together, Black and White...quite an achievement in a world of cynics and naysayers.

  2. Now that's a flyover that no one will soon forget. Great Video!

  3. Linda, that is WONDERFUL...!!! Omigoodness. They're flying up here to Canada. :-)

    I think it was a good omen for Beck...

  4. There was no circular hate speech at the rally and I defy anyone to find a clip with anything like hate speech. No one is looking for mystical secret messages in the event. For those there it felt like the Holy Spirit touching the event. Scripture says, "Wherever two or three are gathered, I am there." There were close to 600,000 at the rally last Saturday. As a Christian I have to believe God was there.

    Tom King - Tyler, TX


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