Sunday, December 13, 2009


I miss this guy and his beliefs!


  1. One of the greatest Presidents ever, if not THE greatest! Still makes me proud to be an American, a Republican, but most importantly a Christian! I felt safe when he was in charge. How things have changed in 20+ years! :(
    Will there even be a Christmas address this year? Probably not! It's a sad period in history for our country.

  2. Amen. Did we fully appreciate him then? I remember it was after he was shot that I sat up and paid attention.

  3. Thanks for your comments, Penny and IBHH! President Reagan was a great president, and it is too bad we didn't learn from him. I certainly hope our country is waking up, and will take action in 2010 and 2012!

    Merry Christmas!


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