Sunday, June 21, 2009

You Might Be A Redneck

You might be a redneck if: It never occurred to you to be offended by the phrase, 'One nation, under God.'

You might be a redneck if:
You've never protested about seeing the 10 Commandments posted in public places.

You might be a redneck if:
You still say ' Christmas' instead of 'Winter Festival.'

You might be a redneck if:
You bow your head when someone prays.

You might be a redneck if:
You stand and place your hand over your heart when they play the National Anthem.

You might be a redneck if:
You treat our armed forces veterans with great respect, and always have.

You might be a redneck if:
You've never burned an American flag, nor intend to.

You might be a redneck if:
You know what you believe and you aren't afraid to say so, no matter who is listening.

You might be a redneck if:
You respect your elders and raised your kids to do the same.

You might be a redneck if:
You'd give your last dollar to a friend.


  1. You're funny!
    You commented on Shelbi's car about wrecking your new van. I can go you one better. While I was in the middle of college, 10 years ago, a 17 year old turned without an arrow light in front of me. I creamed her, completely totaled my van and the Explorer she was driving. I had 2 notes left on my used van and we were going to wait till I finished school to get another car, but I was forced to go buy one then. Since we had a big down payment thanks to the insurance and an amazing 3.9% interest rate, we bought a brand new Silhouette. Before I even paid the first note (4 weeks) my sister plowed into the back of it in my driveway and did $1500 worth of damage to the back door. She had it fixed. Another sister a couple of years later borrows it and a man back a truck into the now fixed door. Big dent! Later a teen-ager at church backed into the front bumper (just scratched it). A year or so later, on a rainy interstate a lady rear-ends me. Minor damage. My stepmother said, "You need to park that thing!" I told her, "three of the four times--- It WAS parked!" LOL I'm still driving it-- scratches and all. =)


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