As we were sitting on the deck last night we could hear the combines and tractors going down the road. Wheat harvest has begun! We will be hearing the combines going until late into the night. The dust will rise and settle in my house! It does that all during the year anyway, but more so during harvest!
We see mostly the big green machines, but there are some red ones out there too. The colors are varied, as are the people who do the job of cutting this beautiful crop. It reminds me of the many different people that make my world so wonderful. I'm so glad we have colors, and not just black and white!
As we drive down the road, we can see the fields with the wheat. It flows like the waves on the ocean. It is so beautiful!
The straw smells so good. The farmers have big smiles on their faces as they anticipate getting the grain into the bins. They hope they can get it in before rain and hail have a chance to beat it down.
This time of the year reminds us of the passage in Luke 10:2..."The harvest truly is great, but the labourers are few: pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that we would send forth labourers into His harvest."
How thankful we are for the labourers that are willing to get into the fields and bring in the harvest for the Lord.
Keep up the good work.